Sunday, January 20, 2013

Test Shot

Just quickly playing around today- Charlie is finished. Now I just need to clean up my workspace & do some real lighting. Stop motion animation starts this week!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything II

My little space in the corner of Sheridan's stop motion studio.
 It's been a really busy past few weeks- But things are progressing. This is just going to be a quick picture post- gotta get to bed so I can get up early tomorrow!

My Ultracal molds failed-
I made some mistakes with this, so I
lost the mold & the master sculpt!
I was familiar with using resin, so
I decided to make a quick switch and
do my molds this way. Was a lot faster
& it turned out pretty good
First cast of hands & feet in silicone
Completed homemade ball & socket armature-
This was my dad & my first attempt at this.
We ended up having a family friend machine the
plates in steel to get a more secure joint.

In order to have Charlie's eyes as light as possible, I decided make them resin. They were sculpted in Apoxie sculpt, then a silicone mold was made (left). The casts were then cleaned up and glossed several times to give a nice shine. The vase (right) was made as a duplicate of a small vase I found in my basement. Since I'm assuming it belonged to my grandmother, I decided to make a mold of it rather than destroy the original.

Charlie's head was also another long process. I knew that I wanted to have the head hollow (to keep it light)- this turned out to be a lot more complicated than anticipated. In my last post I showed the numerous heads I had dismissed for flaws. Below is a the first cast I did (lots of bubbles) beside the master sculpt, the the first bit of blushing & paint on the face, final details & whole head attached, finally the completed head with wig & digital features!
Charlie's bed assembled-
I'm really proud of the quilt I
made, the pillow cases/little
pillows & knitted throw!
Charlie's sketchbook & pencil, the plant,
fire wood & the bookcase
Drafting Charlie's pajama patterns. After
several tests in broadcloth, this was the
final pattern.
Charlie's pajamas finished. There's a quarter
beside for reference (looks like a penny
because of lighting- whoops).
The set progressing along
Charlie's almost finished- needs his hair done,
body padded & hands painted.